New Client Updated 1.5 Beta

Hello all players,
Thank you for waiting.
Finally New Client Update is now available to download.
For existing players,you will automaticly update.
If you have any problem regarding automatic update, please manually download Full Client 1.5.
Read more for informations about new update changelog released.

Thank you very much.
Best regards,
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– Outside Vit & CZ Mob (item drops) fix.
– Most Light Monster has been added.
– Elite Gunner has been added.
– Beta Quest scythe&firedamage bug has been fix.
– Add more pieces of information in the Beta quest.
– NPC Arena Teleport for both nations in edin has been added.
– Add offhand NPC in cz for assassin and warrior.
– Map3 Whole map in Dark mode issue has been fixed.
– Beta Quest lion helm ED stat has been fixed.
– Add 7% critical to (Beta quest) scythe & 15 extra attack.
– Add Critical 3% to fire damage (only in Beta quest).
– GPV Farming spot drop, hp, and quantity have been fix.
– Scythe & Fire Damage Models problem has been fix.
– Map range limit has been increased to 100% the end of map.(fix)
– Default in-Games Elite Monster has been added. (some might still missing, please do a report.)

– Level 10 Class quest has been fix for both nations.

– All Quest in Arena has been fix.
– Some monster has been decreased due to so many spawn.
– Light Demon texture has been fix.
– Spirit in Arena invisible fix.
– Medal Statue Tower has been fix.
– Statue tower display has been fix.
– Rogue skills have been fix.

– Item Low Texture change to High-Quality texture Fix.
– Red Scythe texture has been fix to red color.
– Fix in games Chant Mini Icon.
– Add Skill Stack in games for Testing player damage.
– Fix Some High Texture Quality in-games.
– Disabled Peace Party To fix future GM scam issue.
– Change in games defaults arrow current positions to new yellow arrow due to confusing direction.