


  • Add MPR to RuneOff Scythe
  • Add Treasure Bags Drop To All Treasure Chest
  • Add more flowers for quest around Map3 lake,island,big tree,Forest
  • Add Temple Boss Shout in Chat
  • Add Treasure Box Shout in Chat


  • Fix Light and Shade Running Distance
  • Fix Arena Tower Guardians Running Distance
  • Fix Light Demon Drops
  • Fix Ore Rock GPV Drops (Skill Books Removed)
  • Fix Monster Bags Drop in map3
  • Fix Light and Shade drops (Skill Books Removed)
  • Fix Elite Armor Texture
  • Fix BlackSmith Success Rate


  • Adjust Normal Type Armors drops in Monster Bags
  • Adjust CZ/VIT Treasure Spawn Time to 1 hours